Random Wire Art

Scrapbooking. Embellishments. Wire. Art. Lettering. Hobby. Hobbies. Rubber Stamping.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Display Piece: girl with kite

A piece that will be part of the collection to be displayed at a local library.  (Thanks for the suggestion, Brenda.)  I'm still trying to figure out the best way to display / frame these pieces.  Suggestions would be appreciated.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Special request: shark

Another request for a scrapbook embellishment.  SCUBA diving is my absolute favorite.  Sometimes I feel like people spend half their day trying to make me jealous. : )

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Special Request: PEACE

A friend of mine has been focusing on finding peace in her life, so she can share it with others.  She requested something she could look at to help her focus on her goal, and this is what I came up with:

Friday, February 12, 2010

The original angel

Making an angel was one of the first "complicated" projects I attempted shortly after picking up this hobby.  After many failed attempts, I finally came up with this simple design.  It caught on.  As I soon found out, angels have a following second only to cats!  So, over the years, I've made a ton of these.  I'm proud to say that they're watching over people all over the world.  Several have been sent to people serving in the armed forces.  They're looking over a lot of my friends' computers at their various workplaces.  They go with people to school, and they're cheering up people who are recovering in the hospital.

I happen to like this picture of one I did out of copper.  I think the dust makes it look a little antique-ish.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Geaux Saints!

I happen to know a lot of fans, so I couldn't resist.  Besides...it was a GREAT underdog story.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Alphabet: W...X...Y...and Z.

W is also pretty straight forward.  This particular one kind of reminds me of the Walgreens W.  With the letter X, there is a tendency to want to start the lower-case X at the bottom.  You CAN do it that way, but it makes the top part of the letter a bit "heavy" since you have to double crimp upwards.  With both upper- and lower-case X, I start from the top.  Half way down, I crimp upwards.  When I come back down on top of itself, I go twice the length.  Then I crimp back upwards under itself, until I get back to the cross section.  And, finally, Z.  I'm not a huge fan of the capital cursive Z, so I tend to use the one pictured...but that's just personal preference.  As you play with all of this, you eventually develop your own style and "fonts".

If anyone has suggestions on how to improve the lettering, or if you have fun pictures of your own projects, please DO share.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Alphabet: T...U...V...

The letter T, like the letter F, is difficult to embellish at the beginning.  Lower-case T is essentially an L, but I make a small sideways crimp to cross it.  It doesn't look like much in this picture, but I've never had anyone wonder what letter it was.  U is pretty straight forward.  And you'll notice that I sometimes do a small upwards crimp at the beginning of the lower-case V, just to give it a little more definition.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Alphabet: Q...R...S...

The letter Q looks a lot like an O, except that the wire comes out at the bottom, instead of on the middle of the letter.  The trick to a capital R is crimping under for a length before doing the last downward piece.  And I've never been a huge fan of the standard capital cursive S, so I use the one pictured.  For some reason, the capital S is the letter I struggle with the most (keeping the whole thing in proportion).  Even the one below seems a little off balance.  Ugh...