Random Wire Art

Scrapbooking. Embellishments. Wire. Art. Lettering. Hobby. Hobbies. Rubber Stamping.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Display Piece: Cheerleader

Cheerleaders rank high among common requests.  They're not quite up there with angels and cats, but still very popular.  It seems EVERYONE is related to at least one cheerleader...myself included.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Display Piece: Guitar Hero

This one was fun to make, but I wasn't clever enough to figure out how to do it in a single piece.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Display Piece: Girl Skipping

This one was a pleasure to make.  I sometimes feel as though I get to live vicariously through the piece...even if it's just for a second.  I probably chose to have her running and skipping, because I was stuck on a cramped flight.

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Monday, March 22, 2010


Until the economy picks up, this will have to do.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Forza Italia!

The logo for the Italian national soccer team is a little too complicated to be made out of a single piece of wire...but here is my sloppy first attempt(That's all that's going up, because I don't plan on trying this one again.)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Southwest Airlines

Since SLC is a Delta hub, I used to fly them all the time.  Unfortunately, their flight attendants started getting ornery, so I eventually switched to Southwest.  I'm still not a fan of the "cattle call" seating process, but the staff really is much more pleasant to deal with.  I've done several renditions of their winged-heart logo...and it usually scores me multiple drinks and access to the "hidden snack selection".  : )

Monday, March 15, 2010

Special request: "A Mother's Heart"

One of my friends is a full-time stay-at-home mom, and she apparently takes her job very seriously.  

I like this saying.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Wasatch Mountains

That last post reminded me of how lucky I am to be able to stand at this view in less than a ten minute drive from my home!  Utah really is a pretty state...

Friday, March 12, 2010

College Rivalries!

I've done quite a few college logos / mascots over the years.  Clearly, in the State of Utah, the rivalry to follow is BYU vs. the U of U.  I attended both, so I tend to be pretty neutral on the subject...but these two schools can start some pretty heated conversations!

When I was a pharmaceutical rep, I called on the U's cath lab, so I made several of these pieces.  Most are still on doctors' desks up there.

And, back to the allure of a person's name...this piece is one I made for a friend's daughter:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Special request: A missionary

My father-in-law worked for the Missionary Department of the LDS Church for a long time.  This piece was designed so that it could stand on its own, so there is a "base" at the feet.  It wasn't intended to be a commercial for Mac laptops...that was just the nearest flat surface. 

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Display piece: a married couple

This is the type of project that keeps me on my toes.  I do a decent job of keeping a single piece in proportion, but I tend to struggle when I do a piece that consists of two 'separate elements' (even though it's all done in a single piece of wire) that have to be proportional relative to each other.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Display piece: a fish

I truly DO enjoy the challenge of creating an intricate design; but, for some reason, simple pieces like this one tend to catch my attention.  Maybe I should have used copper wire for this one (?).