Random Wire Art

Scrapbooking. Embellishments. Wire. Art. Lettering. Hobby. Hobbies. Rubber Stamping.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Alphabet: E...F...G...

The E is pretty straight forward.  As with all of the letters, you just have to trust that you can crimp the wire on TOP of itself, as opposed to always trying to place it side by side.  The F is the first tricky one. For starters, it's difficult to place an embellishment before the letters F or T, without making the letter hard to read.  But there is a crimp somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 way down from the top.  It doesn't matter which direction you go first (left or right) but you need to make sure that the length of the crossbar is on TOP.  So...shortly after starting downward, you make a 90 degree turn to one side.  After a short distance, you will crimp that wire on top of itself going back in the opposite direction (180 degrees).  You're now forming the crossbar, so you will cross the center in an equal distance before crimping the wire UNDER itself, to go back to center.  When you're back to center, you do another 90 degree turn downward to continue the F.  This G reminds me of the General Mills brand.



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